
Loan of Equipment

Zeromow offers the free short term loan of cordless battery powered equipment to contractors and mowing businesses. The aim is to provide an opportunity for those who may not be familiar with the latest lithium-ion equipment to try it out ‘on the job’ and see how well it performs.

Zeromow will deliver the equipment to the contractor or mowing/landscape service and arrange pick up at the end of the loan period.

A detailed list of equipment available for loan is available on request.

A list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found here.


Zeromow is happy to arrange free demonstrations of our cordless equipment to interested individuals or businesses.

If you are interested in a demonstration of the Mean Green commercial grade, zero emission ride-on electric mower, please contact Ecoteq, Australia.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss.

Where do we operate

Currently Zeromow’s loan service operates in the greater Sydney area.

We provide demonstrations of the equipment in Sydney and some areas of regional NSW. Please contact us if you would like to discuss.